Tuesday, October 21, 2008

OKAY let's talk back pains and minor scoliosis

I went to the ciropractor today and he told me I had flat feet, and that that was affecting my posture, and making my backbone slanted. (AT A LITERAL ANGLE)
And that the second verabre on the right side of my neck is messed up and that might be yet another reason I get migranes.
And that I have a minor form of scoliosis, and that's because my feet are flat and my body has to adjust to having my head launch forward because of my back and then my back has to adjust so that my eyes remain level.


click on that, my form is more like the picture on the right. It's really minor, but extremly painful.


Anonymous said...

poor stephy

Blake said...

D= *hugs* you must get better soon!

Steph said...

Yeah, but i'm gonna do chiropractic theropy.

TheThornandCrown said...

YOU SO FRICKING KIDDING ME! I HAVE BEGGED AND BEGGED MY PARENTS TO TAKE ME TO THE CIROPRACTOR! AND YOU GET TO GO! THAT IS SO NOT FAIR! and don't even ask why im up at 2:00am! And can you turn your word verifcation off plz! its so anoying!

Steph said...

Well now that i know you hate it...

...i might just keep it on...